Manner of the Week

You "MUSTACHE" questions to understand!

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Happy Halloween!!

This morning when walked in, we all had some kind of creature on our desk........

Therefore the first 10 minutes of class we wrote in our journals first person, how the creature got there and their story.  We then had the option to share our stories, and WOW!!  The stories were so creative with voice, and we were able to visualize the creature's journey!  Then we finished putting together our lapbooks so they are ready for next week and we don't lose any pieces.  We will start adding information to them next week.  We made our bottle cap monsters, which was a lot of fun and boy are they creative. Some even gave them names!

 We then did some graphing to practice the different types of graphs.  We also practiced some word problems in partners.  We ended the day with a hidden message and when finished it said "No Homework"!  So enjoy Halloween and don't worry about any homework or reading log!  Happy Halloween!

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