Manner of the Week

You "MUSTACHE" questions to understand!

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Terrific Tuesday

I want to start off by telling everyone how proud of them I am and their report cards!  I have AMAZING 5th graders this year and am proud of each and every one of them!! If there is a part of your report card that you don't like, that just tells you something that you can work on : )!  WAY TO GO 5th graders!!  I am also looking forward to bragging about all my 5th graders at parent teacher conferences and meeting the parents that are raising these incredible boys and girls!

This morning we started off with health enhancement.  For reading, we had EXCELLENT discussion. We talked about ways that people travel, then if there were any problems with these methods of transportation, and how people could solve these problems (to activate our prior knowledge).   We also reviewed the theme vocabulary and read chapter one of our story in our theme reader.  We did rotations with small group after whole group and it went good : )!! For math we looked over our assignment on dividing with larger dividends and then did some more problems/play division games.  For social studies we started putting together our "Mapping Lapbooks", which we will continue to work on when we have everything else done, along with doing some parts as a whole class.

Remember that the next three days are early outs and I am looking forward to seeing everyone's parents at parent teacher conferences!

For $20 tomorrow, tell me the holiday that is on October 31st.....

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